@FullProofBaking Sourdough Discard Recipes (4 total recipes!)

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Some of my very favorite ways to use up that extra sourdough discard! These are the fully supplemental (print-friendly) PDF recipes (ingredients and step by step guide) that go along with the tutorials uploaded on YouTube at the following addresses:

Buckwheat Pancakes: https://youtu.be/FwunAePCFe4

Einkorn Crackers: https://youtu.be/V1b8IoSSw8I

Cheddar Biscuits: https://youtu.be/TCmcPOv5Oww

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins: https://youtu.be/w0bnlRHsfNg

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@FullProofBaking Sourdough Discard Recipes (4 total recipes!)

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